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Liberia was crippled by 14-year of war and Ebola outbreak.  Due to various conflicts, lots of school buildings were damaged and children were not able to attend school.  Teachers had no other option rather than flee to a safe place or choice other occupations for living.  Things have not been easy for Liberia, in rebuilding education, the stats reveal it. Liberia is far behind in terms of education compared to other African countries.

According to UNICEF, only 54% of the students’ complete primary education and the rate of OOSC is one of the highest with 15-20% in the age bracket of 6-14 years.  Overage students in primary and secondary schools and untrained teachers are constraints that make quality education a tough task in Liberia. 

The country is in a rebuilding process, The Ministry of Education and UNICEF are making joint efforts to provide food in schools.  EAC joining hands with Handicap International aims to target 28,000 OOSC and provide them quality primary education.



Pre-School Education for Children, Bomi County - GlobalGiving

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